Hot, very hot indeed: necessary to clothe yourself in winter, coats will fight cold days with shots of style. Whether the choice is a classic cut coat, perfect for more elegant occasions, or a more particular model or color to be mixed with other wardrobe items for a daily fashion, it never fails the quality of the materials used and attention to details such as darts, cuffs, linings and buttons allowing the jacket to last unaltered in time, regardless of the style and fit. Little girls do not disappear into the jacket; in fact they have a complete freedom of movement, thanks to garments designed to make the little girl feel protected, which are at the same time comfortable to wear and nice to see. Coats, furs and quilts combining thermal insulation with all-female finesse, for a glamorous childrenswear even below zero. So, in the fall-winter 2015-16 collection we find the classic bon-ton coat with a traditional inspiration embellished with fur collar in a delicate camel tone. A must for the winter wardrobe is definitely the down jacket, lightweight and enveloping, versatile to wear in every occasion, is the best ally in case of cold weather: the new padded play with tech fibers, patterns, colors and models, to provide maximum comfort . The semi-precious nylon duvets are decorated with inserts of fur, warm and chic at the same time, and elastic waist belts with sophisticated applications like the teddy bear made of the same material of the jacket.